Momentarily turning off the “auto-join” feature in your wifi settings will help your Alertify device connect to your wifi network faster and without interrupting the set-up process. This can be done whether you are using a smartphone or laptop to connect your Alertify device to your internet. Turning auto-join off is something that can be easily reversed, so don’t worry about losing that feature.
Turning off Auto-Join on a phone:
Go to your settings and click on “Wi-Fi” to open your wifi settings
Click on the Wi-Fi network that you are connected to
Above your password, you will see “Auto-Join” with a button to the left. Switch this off, and your Auto-Join will be off
When your setup is complete, you can easily turn Auto-Join back on by clicking the button again
Click on the Wi-Fi icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen
Click on “Network Preferences” at the bottom of the drop-down
Underneath your network name, find “Automatically Join This Network” and unselect this option
When your device set-up is complete, you can easily turn Auto-Join back on by reselecting “Automatically Join This Network.”