Make sure you have your Wi-Fi network and password information written down.
Create an account on the Alertify dashboard. Once you've done this, keep your login information written down and nearby. You’ll need this information later on.
To ensure the most effortless possible setup, open the Wi-Fi settings on your phone or laptop, click on your network, and turn off "Auto-Join." This is a step that can be easily reversed.
Finally, during your set-up avoid switching between windows or tabs, to ensure a seamless set-up process.
Now that you've completed these steps let's start setting up your device.
Find your Alertify dashboard login information, grab your phone or laptop, and head to your Alertify dashboard.
Locate your Wi-Fi network information and password that you wrote down earlier. Then, plug in your Alertify device. After doing this, open the network settings on your phone or laptop and look for the network "Alertify AP".
TIP: Not sure about the best place to plug in your Alertify device? We have found users have the most success when they use their devices in common room areas.
Make sure you have your network information and Alertify dashboard login information. Then, open a new browser and go to or simply scan the QR code at the back of your Alertify device box. From here, follow the setup instructions on the screen to complete your device setup.
Once your device is connected to your Wi-Fi, go to your Alertify dashboard and navigate to the "devices" section to make sure your device has been registered on the dashboard. Your device will appear under the list "Unassigned Devices." you should see your device come up as "Offline." After a few moments, it will show as "Online."
Your Alertify device is designed for indoor use only.
If your unit has a kitchen and your guests cook, the device may read this as indoor smoking. This is especially true if your kitchen is located close to your device.
If you need any help setting up your Alertify device, head over to