When adding a new unit to your building, you will notice that a box must be ticked to indicate if your unit has a kitchen. This is important to know because if your property is smaller or your entertainment space is close to your unit's kitchen, the device may recognize cooking as indoor smoking. In order to tell whether a guest is smoking indoors or simply cooking, try these steps:
Check the time of day you are receiving notifications for indoor smoking. If the time of day is a standard lunch/dinner hour, it is likely your guests are simply cooking.
Check for other Alertify notifications, such as noise and occupancy alerts. If you receive these additional violation notifications, then it is likely indoor smoking or even a party is occurring at your property.
Navigate to your Alertify dashboard to the data section of your Alertify sensor and check the smoking data. If there is one large spike and fall, then it is likely a guest cooking. If the smoking data rises quickly and remains high for a duration, it is likely indoor smoking is occurring within your property.