Actions For Different Violations

Actions For Different Violations

Unsure of what to do when you receive Alertify's violation notifications? Here's a guide just for that

Alertify's real-time notifications help you to prevent what you can't predict and intervene if indoor smoking, excessive noise, or elevated occupancy is detected.

When you receive these notifications, we recommend that you reach out to the guests by messaging them, either through the OTA they booked their reservation on or by contacting them directly.


Recommended action for the first noise violation:

The first noise violation notification you receive happens when the noise decibel levels have exceeded 68db for a period of 10 minutes. When this happens, you’ll want to gently remind your guests of your house rules and quiet hours.

"Hello *guests name*, this is your host *your name*. I was made aware of excessive noise coming from the property you've booked. Please remember to keep an appropriate level of noise during your stay so all our guests and neighbors remain comfortable."

Noise follow-up 1:

The first follow-up notification occurs when noise decibel levels have exceeded 68db for a period of 15 minutes. At this point, it’s time to send a firm message to your guests.

Hello again, *guest's name*. We are still receiving reports of excessive noise coming from your property. Please check the house rules for our noise policy and quiet hours to avoid any potential fines.

Noise Follow-Up 2:

The Second Noise Violation Follow-Up notification you receive is when noise decibel levels have exceeded 68db for a period of 30 minutes. At this point, it is time to intervene directly by visiting your property. If you are unable to do this, try giving your guests a call instead. Just in case you can’t reach them, send this message:

Hello *guest's name*I am aware that excessive noise continues from this property. Please be aware I will be checking on this situation shortly.

End Of Noise Violation:

You receive an end-of-noise violation message when all has been quiet for x minutes. At this time, no action is needed, and you can relax.


First Smoking Violation:

The first smoking violation message occurs as soon as indoor smoke is detected. The first thing to do when you receive the first smoking violation notification is to check your Alertify dashboard and take a look at the report. It is important to remember that if your unit has a kitchen, your guests may simply be cooking.

Your unit doesn’t have a kitchen? Consider sending this message:

Hello, *guest's name*. This is your host *your name*. We have been made aware of indoor smoking taking place at your property. Please be aware smoking is not allowed at this property, and if found, it may result in a fine.

Smoking follow-up 1:

The 1st smoking violation follow-up message occurs when indoor smoking has been detected for 10 minutes. If your unit has a kitchen, it is important to take into consideration your guests simply may be cooking. Helpful indicators will be to check the time of the incident and if there have been any noise or occupancy notifications.

Your unit doesn't have a kitchen? Consider sending this message:

Hello again, *guest's name*. We are still receiving word that indoor smoking is taking place. Please be aware that indoor smoking is not allowed at this apartment, and if found, it may result in a fine.

Smoking follow-up 2:

The 2nd smoking violation follow-up message occurs when indoor smoking has been detected for 15 minutes after the 1st follow-up notification. It is important to keep in mind that if your unit has a kitchen, your guests may simply be cooking. We recommend that you first check the time of the notification and your Alertify dashboard for more details. If anything seems off, consider contacting your guests.

Your unit doesn't have a kitchen? Consider sending this message:

Hello, *guest's name*. Please be aware that we are still receiving reports of indoor smoking. Please put an end to indoor smoking and be aware you may be fined.

End Of Smoking Violation:

You will receive this notification when indoor smoking is no longer detected. When you can, check your unit for evidence of indoor smoking to help you determine if you need to issue a fine to your guests for damages. Examples of evidence would be the smell of cigarettes or marijuana, ash, filters, or burns.


The first occupancy notification you receive comes 10 minutes after elevated levels of occupancy have been detected. Elevated occupancy levels will be determined in part by the maximum occupancy for your unit. To investigate, log into your Alertify dashboard and check on your property's noise and smoke levels.

“Hello *guests name*, this is your host *your name*. I am messaging you because it has been reported that there are elevated occupancy levels in your unit. Please be reminded that you may not exceed the maximum occupancy of this unit, which is *your unit’s occupancy max*.

  • TIP: If you also receive/view reports of excessive noise or indoor smoking, consider adding: “I have also been made aware of excessive noise and/or indoor smoking at this property. Please be aware any guest damages will result in a fine.”

Occupancy follow-up 1:

You will receive your first follow-up notification when elevated occupancy levels have been detected for 20 minutes. Elevated occupancy levels are determined by what your set maximum occupancy level is.

Hello again, *guest's name*. We are still receiving reports that the maximum occupancy level is being exceeded. The maximum amount of people allowed at this unit at one time is *your unit’s max*. Please correct this situation immediately.

  • TIP: If you have also been made aware of other violations taking place, consider adding: “I am aware that excessive noise and/or indoor smoking are also present. Please put an end to these activities and be reminded that any damages will result in a fine.”

Occupancy follow-up 2:

You will receive the 2nd occupancy follow-up violation when elevated occupancy levels have been detected for 30 minutes. At this point, you will want to consider getting in contact with your guests either via sms/email or by calling them.

Hello *guests name*. This is your host *your name* again. We are still receiving reports of elevated occupancy levels. The maximum occupancy levels have now been exceeded for 30 minutes. This is against house rules, as the maximum occupancy is *unit’s max occupancy*. Please escort your additional guests out of the unit asap, and be aware any damages will result in a fine.

  • TIP: Have other violations, such as noise and/or indoor smoking, been detected? Consider adding this to your message: We are also aware of the indoor smoking/excessive noise that has transpired here. Any guest damages resulting from indoor smoking, unapproved additional guests, or excessive noise will need to be compensated.

End of Occupancy Violation:

The end of occupancy violation will come when elevated occupancy levels have not been detected for a period of 15 minutes. At this time, you can trust that all is quiet at your unit. It may be a good idea to do an in-person check of your unit as soon as you can. This way, you can investigate any potential damages as soon as possible.

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